Thursday, August 04, 2005

I Don't Know What To Title This

Umm, read this, particularly those of you that played AD&D with me back in the day.


Excuse me while I go repent.

UPDATE: Ok, I repented by reading this. Now thats funny.


Ben said...

This was funny in a sad, makes me feel bad to be a human being kind of way.

I've run across some of this guy's work before. Jack T Chick's 'Chick Tracts' are an attempt by a narrow-minded man to convert people to his version of Christianity. He takes a perfectly good religion and makes it something ugly by attacking anything different than it and telling you that you're going to hell for doing it. And I'm pretty sure that someone always dies in his little stories.

Scott Kurtz did a little blurb about him on PvP a while back. It may still be listed in his rants section.

I can't wait to see if he tackles World of Warcraft. He'd crap himself to see some of the naked dance parties we throw.

Ryan said...

Naked dance parties ARE weird.

Anyway, check this out too:

And yes, the guy is serious, it is not satire. And it is sad.

Ben said...

One more thing: When you were DMing for us, how come you never taught us how to cast cool spells in real life? What kind of DM are you? Sheesh....


James said...

That comic is very disturbing. Sadly there are a lot of idiots out there that sometimes make me ashamed to be a (pick one: Christian/Republican/White/Heterosexual/Male). I suppose with many distinctions, especially religious and political ones, there is quite a spectrum of ideologies within a defined group. Thankfully, the majority of Christians I know are not at the extreme end like the comic's author; there are none I know personally who will automatically damn you to Hell for all eternity simply for playing a game of D&D!

Ryan said...

Ben: Because you never proved yourself, duh.

Jamie: Yes, I agree with you. Most christians I know are decent people that don't preach. It's a personal thing for them and that's what I think it should be and I support that. And most republicans are decent people as well. It's when you mix the two that you get the crazies.

Ben said...

I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!