Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Mel and I went sailing over the weekend, the first step in the plan to charter in BVI. It was amazing, to say the least. Our instructor was awesome. Nice dry sense of humor and paitent. The winds were pretty strong (as in small craft advisory) so we were able to learn the skills in some pretty intense conditions.

Because of the wind being so strong I was soar as crap the next few days. I still am a bit in my legs. My hands were pretty raw Saturday night but as luck would have it we happened upon a West Marine and picked up some sailing gloves for Sunday. Holy crap do those make a difference! I also managed to break the handle that raises the main (they are designed to break) because the cables were all jammed up. When it broke I kinda slammed into the mast so I have this big bruise on the top of my shoulder. It was fun though. :)

All in all both of us our excited to get back out on the water and practice. I requested information on the Cruising course, which is the next step.



James said...

When Jessie and I were first dating and I was working at Goddard, I joined their sailing club. They had a class that I took and a couple day sailers you could rent out on the cheap. So we did a fair amount of day sailing on the Chesapeake, near Thomas Point Light. We once made it all the way up to the Bay Bridge but the winds died down (and the day sailers had no motors). So we got back well after dark with no lights and being scolded by the Coast Guard. Good times. I definitely hope to get back into sailing someday. I'd love to sail Deep Creek Lake sometime. I think the company that makes the day sailers we used...the Flying Scots...are based out of there.

Kirsten said...

Let me know when I can should book my ticket to BVI! ;-)
Glad you had fun sailing!