Saturday, September 23, 2006

What Is Pissing Me Off Today - Part 4

The VW car commercial where two people are chatting about whatever and WHAM, someone hits them. It's too trumatizing and, more importantly, it isn't funny. Bad no funny, bad!!


CMS said...

Lesson - Don't buy a VW, you'll get hit. Buy one of those other cars that can off road in the Himalayas and travel thorugh rain slicks without losing traction instead.

Silent Joe said...

They are excellent from a marketing standpoint because they grab the viewers attention. How many traffic jams do you get to drive thru because someone just had a fender bender and people WANT TO LOOK? Well the marketing people that did these commercials are very bright and know that. I bet these commercials get very good view ratings based on other commercials.

I love the marketing tactic they use and applaud them for it. Its not some dry templated car commercial. Kudos to VW.

Jen said...

Please see comments left under your post "What Is Pissing Me Off Today - Part 1" and stop stealing my thoughts.

That is all. You'll hear from my lawyers.


Ryan said...

It's my blog, I'm allowed to rant on someone else's bitching (thanks for the idea, btw.)

I was talking to a friend who likes the commericals and it clarified my thoughts on them. At first I thought they were powerfull. What bothers me is their over-use. I think with a commercial with that kind of powerfull content needs to be used sparringly, not several times a day.