Monday, June 23, 2008

What Do You Do When Everything Changes

What do you do when the things that were constant in your life cease to be? Do you loose your anchor and drift into the anarchy? Or do you latch on to something else to keep you centered? Or do you just go with the tide and see where you end up?

I'm not sure what I do. I think it is a mix of the second and third items. I tend to latch on to whatever is there at first and then slowly just let go and end up wherever it is I end up.

I always thought the chinese curse of 'May you live in interesting times' was a good one.


Kirsten said...

I like to think I just go w/the tide and see where I end up but really I vascillate b/w drifting aimlessly and latching on to what is there...depends on the situation I guess. Times are Always interesting! :)

CMS said...

Since I am at the beach, I think this saying holds that much more water ( thank you, thank you... I 'm here all night).....

" Just keep swimming" :-)

That and, the only true constant is change. Dammit.

Meredith Self said...

or do you tread repeatedly in 'is this what I really want' waters...