Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Party Bush

I'm sure everyone has heard about the cost of the second Bush inauguration, something like $40 million...the most expensive inauguration ever. Is that bad? Not in itself, no, but look at the circumstances.

We have record deficits, a BS 'crisis' in SS, a very expensive war that isn't going so well, terrorists threats with the #1 bad guy still running around, and to top it all off, this: U.S. tells D.C. to pay inaugural expenses

What the hell? Funds coming out of the homeland security budget to pay for an inauguration? What kind of bizaro world is this? Where do these people get off thinking that a $40 million inauguration is a good thing? Its more than our initial offering of aide was! Priorities, where are the priorities?

FDR, during WWII, for his second inauguration, had a pot luck dinner and a brief speach at the Whitehouse. That's it. At least FDR had some since of respect.


Ben said...

This is not about money. It's about appearances. Dubya needs the American public to think that everything is Hunky Dory. He also wants to distract our attention from Iraq and the tsunami for a while. What better way to do both than to throw a kick ass party with lots of media coverage? Besides, he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected again so he can (and probably will) do whatever he wants.

I must say though that DC did get screwed on this. This is an event for the President of the United States, not the Mayor of DC, so the federal government should pay for it. At least with MLB, they can take a stand and make the owners pay 'a portion' of the construction costs for the new stadium, but how do you take a stand with the federal government?

Ryan said...

What kind of impression do you think is better? The example FDR set by showing the inauguration to be just a simple formality amidst more important matters, or a grand celebration of...what exactly? A second term of incompetence? Yippie! Get out the party hats!

Ben said...

I agree. He's not appealing to people like you and me who already don't like him. He's trying to get the word out to 'the sheep.'


Ryan said...

What's the point? He already has them, that's why I call them sheep.

I think its just a show of arrogance and ego stroking. Thumbing the nose at the world in general. It's the cowboy thing to do, after all.